When we live, we live for the expectations of all around us
When we live, we come under the rules all around us
But when we die, we receive freedom from all
We are no longer bound by rules and expectations

Till a man dies, he must answer to all his boss’ whims,
She must live up to her lover’s demands,
He can’t take a day off.
Then he dies, and is free from them all.

When you live, you must be sane and reasonable,
You must put up till the last of your fiber.
Have you submitted your term papers?
Have you met your work target?
You have to because you are alive

Till a man dies, he is unable to know what is truly important;
He gets no help from neighbors.
He is strong and can survive.
Then he dies and we realize how much we could have helped him.

Why should you visit her?
She is alive, so don’t intrude into her privacy
Why offer to help?
He is alive and has a functional mind.
Then she dies and we all come visiting, breaking the privacy

So he has to meet all the requirements!
She must dot all the is and cross all the ts
Cos that’s the penalty of living.
Till you are dead you receive no concessions
What a freedom there is in death.


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