As a Bottle of Groundnuts

"I stand as a bottle of groundnuts alone. People look on at me without appeal. 
Then bananas come, and I immediately become most wanted. 
So is a man's life, alone we mean little but when a few things happen, we become valuable."

A man could toil for years without gaining appeal. Then a  breath happens upon him and boom - out flows his flavor.
So is the life of a man. Like a bottle of groundnuts.

So also are his efforts. He most times puts in a lot. But there is this final touch without which those efforts are unappealing. Those special touches are bananas.

A man's work after he has become a bottle of groundnuts is to find out what his bananas should be. He should seek this earnestly.

Here are possible bananas:
1) A new network of friends or friend
2) New partnerships for career or business
3) A spouse
4) A change of location
5) A change of unproductive work attitudes
6) A change of worldview
7) A breakthrough

Summarily, the mix of things that may constitute each man's bananas is infinite and specific. It requires that each man do a soul searching; and for us believers in the Most High, some loads of door knocking (praying). Honesty to self is a major ingredient for every man if he will ever identify his bananas. One should be willing to see one's self as one truly is.

Here are a few ways to identify what may constitute your own bananas.
1)Be ready to face the uncomfortable truths about yourself, your work and relationship attitudes and your general disposition (worldview).

2) Recruit the help of accountability partners - friends who will help you objectively assess your situation and hold you accountable for resolutions reached.

3) Ask your accountability partners clearly what their assessment of the particular areas of your life that have been standing alone

4) Proceed to reflect on the outcomes of these assessment.

5) Make resolutions based on the assessment.  Be sure to inform your accountability partners of your resolutions. This will help  them follow up.

6) Find and study books around the areas you need change

7) Pray to God and study the Bible.

And if you have worked so hard (and smart) with no results, be patient and hopeful. Keep working, you may be nearer your banana experience than ever.


Chinedu, February 2019, Akure.


  1. Beautiful piece. I love this part especially “Then a breath happens upon him and boom - out flows his flavor". Funny how our Bananas are sitting close-bye. Eyes to See, Eyes to See, Lord Jesus!

  2. Hmm.. We could also add bread if there's no banana..

    Liked the part where it says we would now have to face uncommon truths about ourselves


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